Posted on: February 21, 2017 Posted by: Comments: 0

As the holiday season comes upon us. Airports becomes more busy and jammed pack. Here are some tips to help you get through from check in to your arrival.

1. Plan Ahead


Be sure to know your flight details and Make sure to understand your itinerary. It is also good to leave early to avoid the Manila Traffic. Also be sure to be at the airport 2 hours before the said Departure.

Double check everything and get soft copies that can be available on your phones or laptops just in case you need a back up. Also make sure to have your pen, passport and documents ready keep them near within easy reach.

  • PRO TIP: Have a checklist of things to bring while packing. This is a life saver, just so you won’t forget anything unless not written in the list.

2. Check In Online


Practice to check in online. This can save you a lot of time at the airport because all you really have to do is check in your bags. Plus you get to have a different line with less amount of people.

In case you forgot to check in online there are also some kiosk where you can self check in at the airport. You can usually find them near to your designated check in counter. But I can’t say this for every airport so it’s better to be prepared and check in online with your own computer or mobile.

  • PRO TIP: Try carry on luggage while applying this practice and your hassle free flight will go into another level.

3. Know what to wear for Easy Security


Make sure you wear your comfy clothes but be careful not to layer up too much because it might be a hassle during security. Remember that you’ll have to remove your jackets and scarves during this process. Also Make sure that you wear comfy shoes that are easy to take off and on. Some airports doesn’t require you to take it off but it’s better to be prepared than sorry. It is also good to wear shoes without metal.

One other tip is not wear too much accessories, scarves and hats. If possible you can store them in your bag for the mean time then just put them on after security.

P.S. Remember that liquids more than 100ml are not allowed pass security. If ever you will have some type of liquid with you 100ml and below. Be sure they are packed within a plastic container.

4. Be Ready for Immigration


Immigration can sometimes be really though or smooth. Just be prepared to know and carry the following: Extra ID (just in case), Address Abroad, Contact Person Abroad and your itinerary. Just answer every question honestly and don’t get nervous because that may give the immigration officer a mixed signals. Also just smile and greet the officer that’s always a good start.

P.S. When doing immigration you will have to put off your passport jacket.

5. Get to know your gate


Finally you’re at the departure area, First thing you’d like to know is where your boarding gate is located. This  is a good to know before roaming around the shops and food stalls around the airport just so you’d can measure the amount of time consumed going to and from the shops you’d like to buy from.

I hope the following list would help you through your travel, as it helped us in ours. If you have anything to add for in this article don’t hesitate to leave a comment. We are glad to learn more from you.