Food and Water
Almost all food is served with side dishes to balance out every meal. It includes kimchi, peanuts, candies potatoes, soup and among others. Also expect that korean dishes are mostly sour and spicy. If you like non-spicy food you should first ask if it’s spicy or not.
Tap water in South Korea is drinkable but the locals don’t usually drink it. So if you are tight on the cash you could just carry around your tumbler but Bottled water are still advisable that cost around KRW1,000 – KRW 1,500
Most Koreans speaks to little to no english. Try using very basic english to communicate. Some would also know a little bit of chinese so that would be helpful if you also know a little bit of that.
Plugs and Wifi
In terms of electronic devices and plugs to plug them in. Make sure to bring your own international adaptor. The standard in Korea is 220 volts at 60 Hertz and 2 circular prongs. See image below to understand better.
You could order wifi before going abroad or just simply rent one there upon arriving at the airport. Wifi is also all over Korea. Establishments actually give them out for free. If you really need some connection try Standing outside of a coffee shop or starbucks and you’ll get connected easily.
Money and Conversion
Money Exchange in Korea is fairly easy. They are usually available around tourist areas where there’s a lot of shopping such as Myeongdong, Hyeongdae, Dongdaemin and etc. Expect the Philippines Peso is not really popular in all exchange centers in South Korea.
Additional Tip when converting money during shopping:
1,000 KRW = 1 USD | 1,000 KRW = 50PHP
This is just estimates for easy mind conversions.
Google Maps who?
Google maps is practically one of the most important partners we have while we travel but somehow it’s just not working right in Korea.
How to go around then? Do research and don’t forget to ask directions. Hotels usually has english speaking people that could help you out or you could ask younger locals. Gmaps can still be helpful just make sure to study it more closely.